How Nick and Holly Wrecked...SAVED Christmas - Carla Rossi

How Nick & Holly Wrecked Saved Christmas is a super sweet and humorous read. I loved it so much I've read it twice the last two years. It's a quick read at around 80 pages but not too quick although I would love to hang out with Nick and Holly some more.  


Holly has to stay with her "granny" for Christmas, and a guy she goes to school with has to stay with his aunt at the same building. At first she's annoyed by his presence because she blames him for her broken nose, but she gradually warms up to him. They begin developing a connection, and I liked their interactions, even the times Holly was snarky to Nick.

I love Holly's granny! She's one of my favorite characters of all time. I want her to adopt me. She's so cute and loves life and is aging gracefully. #goals


How Nick & Holly Wrecked Saved Christmas is a story that has stayed with me. I can remember most of it even though I haven't read it since last Christmas. I plan on reading it again for this Christmas, and I'm sure I'll love it as much as the first time I read it.